Friday, May 18, 2012

Grandma Is In a Funky Mood, What Is It?

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Baby-boomer grandmas, grandpas, moms or dads ? most of us have felt this way at one time or another?funky mood?what is it?


The other day I had the chance to chat with a good friend of mine. It had been awhile since we had caught up with each other and I was a bit concerned. When she answered the phone it sounded like she was in a sort of funky mood, much like I was.


Seems life as a baby-boomer these days is passing us by so fast that doing the simple things like keeping the laundry caught up, the grass cut and the dishes done pretty much fills the day. Add in working full time, taking care of the grand-kids and squeezing in the nooks and crannies building a part time business you can pretty much write off the month if you aren?t careful.


After returning from our annual convention I felt a let down of sorts. On an emotional high the natural thing to feel was to come home and dive right into sharing what you just learned with everyone. However, my family was here on a week?s visit and my focus was on them. After all being a mompreneur allows me to set my schedule, work when and if I want to in times like these.


After the kids left though an overwhelming sense of ? hmmm, what shall we call it ? depression set in? No, not really. Emptiness? Uh no, I was ready for the tranquility of my empty nest home again. So what was this feeling I was having?


That?s when I decided to call my friend and business partner, Teri. Her circumstances are much different than mine are, yet come to find out she was in sort of the same mood I was. Strange how we both are the same age, take care of our families, we all contribute to the home and yet we are in this funk. What is it?


Chatting we came to the conclusion it is a combination of things that puts grandma in a funky mood. First of all, as we watch the school bus drive by it reminds us of yet one more day, week and year is passing us by. The kids are growing up and we as baby-boomers are aging.


Once we passed the golden age of 50 our health and bodies started falling apart. What the heck? How can this be happening to us overnight? We once were unstoppable twenty-something know-it-alls and now we are grandmas in a funky mood, it doesn?t make any sense.


The bottom line we found is that we are in a period of our lives that is foreign to us. The natural progression of aging tells us we should slow down. Our bodies tell us they hurt. The aches and pains from the years of abuse are taking their toll. Yet, thanks to Protandim we are fighting back. So why the funky mood if we are feeling better, looking younger, enjoying more energy and endurance?


The bigger answer we found was one we didn?t want to face nor admit. It is an ugly word no one wants to own. It is one of taking responsibility for our own decisions and actions. To cut to the chase we are stuck in the procrastination mode.


We know what we should be doing, yet we are not?we are in a funky mood. So what is the solution? It is simply to put one foot in front of the other. Take one actionable step towards those dreams and goals we wrote down on our Blueprint. After all, our families are worth it aren?t they? Wait a minute?we are worth it, period.


So, if you are a grandma, grandpa, mom or dad who is in a funky mood here?s how to pull yourself up and out of it like yesterday.?Watch this cute video-



now tell yourself?lighten up, have fun, enjoy each day as if it were your last. You weren't just baptized in pickle juice were you? Things aren't that bad, after all you woke up and took yet another breath, right?


What are you going to focus on?the mire and muck of life or the genuine gift we have been given?


Share that joy, the heart of who you are with someone today. Maybe your funky mood will be lifted by helping someone else pull themselves up out of theirs, too.


We'd love to hear how you helped a friend or maybe even yourself get out of your funky mood. Post your comment below and be sure to share this information with those you love.


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Carla Gardiner is known as "THE Fiery Grandma" because she found new energy, endurance and youth. Her passion and purpose lies with baby boomer trends, the people she works with daily; aging men, women, moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas who want to feel better, have more energy and have fun like they did when they were twenty-something. Join her for more energy, fun and profits.

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