Monday, May 14, 2012

Exec Goes Out To The Ball Game, Will Deliver Hot Dogs And Stuff To Lazy Giants Fans

att parkIf you're like me, the worst part about going to a baseball game -- other than watching your team lose -- is having to deal with lines at the concession stands. You inevitably end up missing at least half an inning wandering throughout the ballpark trying to find the stand you want. And once you do, you inevitably find yourself behind the one person who somehow doesn't know whether he wants a hot dog or popcorn, and has waited until he gets to the very front of the line before beginning to contemplate this oh-so-important decision. Anyway, no more of that -- at least for this week, if you happen to be in San Francisco and plan to attend one of the many games that the homefield Giants will play against the Colorado Rockies, the St. Louis Cardinals, or the Oakland A's. Starting Monday, May 14 and extending through Sunday, "Uber for odd jobs" startup Exec will have some of its people in the stands of AT&T Park, ready and waiting to pick up and deliver food goods for fans too lazy or too enthralled with the game to do it themselves. All those users have to do is open up the Exec app, tell it what they want and where they're sitting, and an exec assistant will be dispatched to fetch that food for them.

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