Thursday, March 29, 2012

How To Improve Doors To Your Home | Interior Design

Home improvement is one of those things homeowners shouldn?t fret about.?

For one, it can dramatically improve the quality of your home and give that extra shine and polish needed to give an equally favorable review from onlooking friends, family and guests. ?

Plus, there?s the extra benefit of added value to the home should a homeowner decide to sell in the near future.

Whether it?s roofing, quality attic insulation, replacement windows, patio installations or other updates, staying current with home improvement projects can go a long way. ?

With so many projects to consider, let?s take a look at how to improve the quality of your doors, what installations and added tweaks are out there and the long-term benefits of having fortified door structures mean for homeowners.

FIrst off, homeowners must decide which type of door suits their home.

?After picking a wood frame, whether whole or a mixture of wood frames and window panes, the next step is installation. ?Whether through the aid of a home improvement contractor or done by the homeowner themself, it?s good to have the sufficient tools, space and time to make sure the process is done correctly.

Improving the quality of the doors can depend on which area of the house the doors are located. ?For instance, a sliding glass door that is near the kitchen or main living room may get a lot of usage if it leads to the patio outside. ?Thus, investing in a durable and user-friendly slider is key.

?Considering the changes of temperature outside versus inside your home, it may be wise to have a screen door addition put in, so as to give homeowners more options. ?

As for doors leading in or outside of the garage, it?s important to focus on making the exteriors of the door?especially underneath?as fortified as possible. ?This can be remedied by outfitting weather strips along the bottom that are secure enough to trap as much outside air while also being able to conveniently open and close without hindrance. ?

As far as door features and extensions, it?s always good to make sure you have the proper door fastners and locks ready to go after the door itself has been put in. ?Most obvious benefit would be the safety of the homeowner and his or her family and belongings, but some locks can become a little tricky if not properly aligned. ?Best example I can give would be locks that might jam or not fully extend into the side of the house. ?Should a sudden gust of wind come, those doors can easily fling open and allow bugs, dust, radically different temperatures and other annoyances inside the home.

Lastly, the long-term advantages of having quality doors in place. ?Aside from improved cosmetic looks, homeowners can relish in possible energy-saving credits towards their next tax return (given they have a particular door installed with an EPA addage), know their home can feel a bit safer versus an older, more susceptible doorframe, and see door installations as just one cog in a continuing home improvement wheel.

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