Monday, January 30, 2012

May 2009: Newt Called for Individual Health Insurance Mandate ...

Via Hot Air, Verum Serum unearthed this clip of a May 2009 conference call with Newt Gingrich. The subject was health care, and Newt clearly called for an individual health insurance mandate on a national level. This wasn?t over a decade ago, which Newt would like you to believe. He proposed that the only way to avoid purchasing health insurance was to post a large bond that would be unaffordable for most middle class Americans. It wasn?t until he decided to run for president that he changed his tune. He also had positive things to say about the drafting of Obamacare. As Morgen at VS points out, this was before the health care fight really turned ugly, but it?s still damaging to Newt?s credibility on the issue. He actually said the process was better than it was in 1993.

Morgen summed it up pretty well.

Well, here you have it: not only has Gingrich been a long-standing proponent of a federal health insurance mandate, he clearly and unequivocally called for it as part of the White House health reform initiative in May 2009. Mission accomplished then.

There is something else worth noting in this clip. Not only did Gingrich make the ?conservative? argument for the mandate in dealing with the free rider problem, he also advanced a favorite argument of the left. Which is that the only way insurers could be required to offer coverage to everyone regardless of their health status (?must issue?), was to require everyone to carry insurance. This was ultimately the argument which convinced none other than Barack Obama, who remember, opposed an individual mandate during the Democrat primary campaign in 2008.

The entire presentation can be heard here, although it takes a little while to load.

Tags: 2009, audio, health care, insurance, mandate, Newt Gingrich


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